
Celebrate your graduate in style

GradFan is a secure venue to celebrate graduation with loved ones everywhere
  • Get your friends to sign your virtual yearbook
  • Allow friends to give you a gift via CashApp
  • Tell everyone what you loved about school
  • Share your future plans for post graduation
Get Yours Today!FAQs

What is GradFan?

GradFan is a secure venue to celebrate with loved ones everywhere

Due to Covid-19 many graduation ceremonies have been suspended or will have limited seating because of social distancing guidelines. The graduation experience doesn’t have to be lost for this year’s seniors. It is customized to your graduate and gives him/her an opportunity to feel the LOVE for achieving this unforgettable milestone.

Who is GradFan for?

Proud Parents & Guardians

Showcase your graduate’s legacy, aspirations and accomplishments from his/her high school/college experience.

Out of town relatives and friends

Great for out of state friends and family including Grandpa in Florida who are not local & may not be able to travel to join in the fun in person.

Mentors and family friends

GradFan allows anyone connected to you to give a gift of encouragement even if they are not able to attend a physical ceremony or gathering due to social distancing.

Easily Share Online

You’ll receive a custom secure link and flyer to spread the word

Get Graduation Gifts

Gradfan integrates with CashApp for easy gift giving


Quick & Easy Setup

Just fill out the form and submit. We’ll launch it and send your shareable secure link and flyer

Celebrate all in 1 place

Share across all platforms so no one is left out

Frequently Asked Questions?

Get answer about our innovative platform and how it works

Is there a cost for GradFan?

Yes. There is a one-time cost to set up your GradFan site for your favorite graduate. It covers the review of all your details once you submit, your custom flyer design and the launch to make it ‘LIVE’.

Can I customize my site?

Yes absolutely! The site is all about you (the graduate). You can include all the details you may want to share, your social media link and your pictures and color scheme.

Can I share this on social media?

Yes, definitely. Once you are signed up you will recieve a custom flyer that is optimized for instagram, facebook and snapchat. You can share as much as you like. You’ll also get a custom secure link so only those you want to invite will be able to join in the fun.

How does a GradFan site look?

Here is a link: Sample Page. It contains info about your (the graduate’s) likes, dislikes, reflections and future plans. There is also a link so your friends and family can easily send you a love gift of encouragement via cashApp!

How long is my GradFan site active?

Each GradFan site is active for 1 year.

Share Easily

Share your secure link by copying and pasting it on your social media page. Additionally, you can share your custom flyer (like the one shown here) just as you would any other picture. Share it on your IG/Facebook Stories, upload to your feed, send via email or text. It’s SUPER easy.

Sample link:


How GradFan Works


1. Register at GradFan.com

Sit with your graduate and fill out the form details. Upload your graduate’s favorite school pictures. Have fun with it – Be creative with your answers.

2. Open your email from Us

It will contain your custom flyer, secure sharing link.


3. Share your flyer & link

Invite all your friends quick and easy via social media, your blog, email and even text.

Virtual Graduation Celebration Site

GradFanLogoSet up a secure personalized site for your graduate. Your friends and family can leave congrats on their guestbook, give a CashApp gift and read all about your graduate’s high school experience.

$125  $59.99

More Details

Share with your friends across the world. Now everyone can celebrate in one place. Get Started today!

Still Have Questions?

Let’s chat! Drop us a note and we’ll right back to you.

5 + 11 =

309 Fellowship Road Suite 200 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
(609) 534-0237